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To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors!




Welcome to the Healthy Brain Coalition website! (formerly the Dementia Friendly Monroe County Coalition). Whether you are here to learn about our local issues or are here for general dementia issues, we welcome you. We are a group of healthcare professionals, community members, & advocates for senior health & wellness who support Wisconsin's statewide efforts to improve the lives of those living in our communities who suffer from dementia related illnesses.  Brain Health should be proactive, not reactive.


Health department officials said dementia-friendly communities are places where individuals with dementia are able to live as independently as possible, continue to be part of their communities, are met with understanding and given support when necessary. Additionally, dementia-friendly communities build infrastructure to support and provide services to individuals with dementia.


With the aging population, the number of individuals with dementia in the community is expected to grow. In 2015, 16 percent of Monroe County residents were age 65 or older. By 2020, it is estimated that nearly 30 percent of county residents will be the 65 and older with that proportion remaining until year 2040.


The Helen Daniels Bader Fund, a Bader Philanthropy in Milwaukee, provided a grant that helped make the Healthy Brain Coalition - Dementia Friendly Monroe County a reality.

memory cafe
Lunch Bunch Memory Café

1st Monday of each month --   Sparta Congregate Meal Site

Sparta Barney Community Center

White Structure

Our Mission!

"Supporting communities through collaborative partnerships, raising awareness of dementia and brain health, providing education, and encouraging community engagement to enhance quality of life."

White Structure

Our Goals

  • Raise awareness & develop respect & inclusion for people with dementia

  • Embed services & resources in all areas of the community to ensure meaningful access & quality of life

  • Support & educate people with dementia, their care partners & families from diagnosis through progression

  • Promote meaningful engagement in community life


Resources that assist in building a dementia-friendly community.

project lifesaver

monroe county lifesaver project


File of life.jpg

File of life Program


memory connection kits

Music & Memory Programs

The moderate to late stages of Alzheimer's disease can leave caregivers & persons with dementia wondering how to fill their time with meaningful activities.  The Wilton Public Library with the support of the Aging & Disability Resource Center of Monroe County have created 6 kits.


Memory Connection Kits engage the person with dementia and include:

  • toys

  • games

  • puzzles

  • books

  • music


Activities may facilitate meaningful conversation & interactions between a caregiver, family members, friends & the person with dementia.


They also serve as a source of respite for the caregiver as many activities will allow the care receiver to engage in them individually.


support groups

You are not alone as your communities are here with support for those suffering from dementia related illnesses.


Monroe County Caregiver Support Program

Providing a safe, confidential, and supportive environment. We offer peer or professionally led groups for caregivers or individuals living with Alzheimer's and other dementias.  All Support Groups are facilitated by trained individuals. 


Alzheimer's Family & Caregiver Support Program

Created in response to the stress & needs of families caring at home for someone with irreversible dementia.


National Family Caregiver Support Program

Offers respite, information, support & other resources to family caregivers.


Dementia Support Group

 For caregivers of individuals diagnosed with dementia.  Sessions provide information, support & camaraderie.


The Dice Approach

A tool that caregivers can use to understand & respond to a variety of situations that occur when providing daily care to someone with dementia.

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